KV Show News

November 2024

Published 1st November 2024 By Julie Ward

From the President


Hard to believe it is early November already and as they say, where has the year gone. Well, I know one thing, that the KV A&H Committee have not been resting (even if I did take a 3-week holiday) and have been busy with the preparation for the 2025 Kangaroo Valley Show.

It is during this prep time that we reflect on previous shows and decide on how best we can deliver the next Show. One of these major considerations is to maintain our relevant objectives while delivering a cost-effective and sustainable Show. While we want to retain all the great things about our Show, each year it becomes that little bit tougher financially and strategically – for our committee operating the Show and for you, our community, attending and supporting the Show. But our Vision never wavers. 

We are excited with the plans in development, many tried and trusted and a few others or variations of others. As you will read here, there are a few new ideas being hatched along with the plans around greater community engagement, taking you along with us on the ride towards and, as always, at the Show. The development of greater online processes for our Show and the expansion of cashless transactions, along with refinements of our website, all help our committee operate more efficiently, while also, we hope, making your engagement more enjoyable.

Please let us know if you wish to share ideas and thoughts with us as we head towards the 2025 Kangaroo Valley Show; for it is your Show, our Show. 

Stephen Wilson



Last month we talked about the move to the schedule going online and that it would be up by mid October.  Apologies, the transition to digital is taking a little longer than we had anticipated but we are confident it will be ready mid November.


It’s the extra member of the family, the silent workhorse behind every rural resident and this year at the Show, it’s the Utes turn to shine.  Flat bed, twin cab, whatever…dress up your Ute and bring it down to the show where it can sit proudly on display ringside and take part in the Grand Parade.

Prizes will be awarded for the Best Dressed Ute and the Best Dressed Duo – owners and car.  

Entry information will be online mid November.  (PICS X 3)


From November, the KVAHA will have a stall at the Farmers Market on the second Sunday of each month.  It will create a space for us to share information about the Show and added benefits for our valued Members.

Every month, we will provide a cuppa and a biscuit free of charge and a few comfy chairs to sit and chat.  Some tables will be available for kids to craft and our giant games like Jenga and Connect 4 will also amuse kids of all ages.  Members of our committee will be available to answer questions and help with online submissions.


It’s also a place where we will hold some workshops, talks and demonstrations, sharing expertise and knowledge in the many and varied aspects and events within the Show. 

For November, our theme is “Say Cheese” and who better to share their wealth of experience than Kathy Harrington and Pam Swinfield with a few workshops available as follows:-


10:00am Creative Platters for the Party Season

11:00am Ricotta Making (and great ways to use it)


The workshops are free for Members with a limit of 12 people (spectators welcome) so get in quick by emailing comms@kangaroovalleyshow.org.au to reserve your spot.


And continuing the theme, there will be an information session for  Valley Shorts , our new Short Film Competition, with guests from various aspects of film and television production.  


12:00pm Introduction to the Short Film Competition 


Our December market is predictably all about Christmas so keep an eye on the website, social media and of course, through the great support here at the Valley Voice for the latest.

