Welcome Friends.
KV has one of the oldest Ag Shows with many stories of days of yore, and a strong history of bringing together the many strands of our Valley community. Three cancellations did not dampen the community determination to continue this tradition, and in 2023 the Show returned with a renewed sense of purpose and an embracing of change, while maintaining respect for rural life. For the first time, we heard First Nations language spoken in our official Welcome to Country, carried out by Gumea Dharawal and Dhurga language custodian Drew Longbottom from Gadhungal Murri. He later discussed Aboriginal land care in an extremely popular Talks Tent session, a dialogue that continues in the Valley today.
With brand new poultry display cages installed, the poultry shed showcased a record number of beautiful chook entrants while, on the other side of the arena, a high number of cattle and horse participants made the event really special.
Environmental respect was reflected. For the first time in KV and NSW, the Show was plastic-free and, with local sponsor support, thousands of calico bags were produced; this will continue in 2024.
As KV becomes increasingly recognised for its astounding river access, the inaugural canoe-carry and drumming event announced the Valley as Australia’s canoe capital.
Just as people were commenting that the Show in 2023 was back with a bang, it was – literally – one of the hottest days on Show record. The RFS hosed down the chook shed, the Grand Parade cancelled when mid-afternoon brought in a change that we were all hoping for, when a majestic storm front swept through, upending displays and seeing various ironmen hurtle after tumbling marquees and displays through the main oval at record breaking speed. Possibly a competition for future years – not!
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[Caption] It rained on our parade in 2023, yet the Show was a resounding return to form.
KV Show 2024
This year builds on that community spirit. Local arts and crafts, fruit and veggies, cakes and bakes, and cheeses are accompanied by work from the Valley’s strong arts community. Land care and animal care will have a strong local voice, as will KV Reconciliation Allies, who are building on their important connections between community and First Nations Peoples.
With the school having a day off, Friday is really kids’ day. Junior Horse events before Children’s Bicycle Races, Dog Obstacle Races and special events including Children’s Fancy Dress and Pet Show. The Junior Pavilion has 100 classes for children – everything from homegrown veggies to cooking, cake decorating, wood and metal work, craft and needlework, flowers and even a school project. Entries are free.
Official opening
The Official Opening takes place on Friday at 6pm with a Welcome to Country, Canoe Drumming, Awards, followed by our outback Australia celebration, the whipcrackin’ Stockman Show. The evening will kick-on with our bush dance welcoming all to come and scoot a boot.
The Show wouldn’t be complete without the time-honoured events that recognise life on the land. The Woodchop, Iron Person, and then revisit days gone by with the traditional farm machinery, steam engines and more at the Antique Farm Machinery display and see a working mill in action with Wood Milling in The Paddock, from Jordy Mawson.
This year’s show will again have amazing dogs with Tony Mulvihill and his Downunder Working Dogs. The Dog High Jump is open to anyone who feels their dog can get over an incrementally increased log wall. (Grab a sausage from Scotts College’s fundraiser, sizzle for an extra incentive.) Good luck, Fido.
Tent talks
Insightful interviews and conversations will be hosted by lawyer, mediator and therapist Gudula Dornseifer, Tent Talks cover topics from politics to rock wallabies, poetry to property, recycling and the environment. There will be a cheese-making demonstration and discussion around local produce.
Keep an eye on our Facebook page for announcements about the people, the times, the subjects and how you can have your say.
Food and market stalls
From local slow-roasted meats and sauces to sweet corn and the best of butters, home-made lemonade, freshly ground KV coffee and cakes, there is something for everyone to fill up on. Yep, even Dagwood Dogs (keeping Harold happy!
Reflecting community, there’s range of cultural and wellbeing events, discussing how to sleep well, offering massage and demonstrating Thai Chi. Food and produce making is at the fore, worth everything from the highly anticipated cheese and wine and mead tasting – plus a chance to milk a cow and meet Nigerian dwarf goats, whose milk makes some of the cheese being entered for competition. Local mead and wine tasting as well.
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[CAPTION] NSW Dairy’s A Smart Farmers will be giving demonstrations on milking and animal care.
This year we are especially proud to be able to include a Welcome to Country from Gadhungal Murring. The South Coast First Nations people will also be including all community members in a corroboree, following up with workshops on Saturday. These tie up with their presence at the school later in the year, another wonderful community connection.
Splash out at the Show
Yay, KV Pool is part of the Show. It will be free to all show ticket holders (subject to capacity – safety first). With games managed by Alison Baker and the group of dedicated locals who run the Kangaroo Valley Boyley Swim Cup.
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Saturday nights’ Rodeo is always a spectacle, daring, fast and exciting! Not t0 be missed. An exceptional weekend in the Valley awaits all at The Friendly Show.
Want to know more?
Visit the KV Show website for all info on tickets, competitions, a full schedule of daily events.
This community event cannot run without your involvement. If you can offer a few hours or a few days, community members taking part is crucial to the Show’s success. Be a part of the team that brings this event to life! We warmly welcome locals and visitors to lend their skills in all areas from admin to bar, event setup, gatekeeping and more. Join us and get your weekend ticket for free. Email us about becoming a volunteer.: volunteers@kangaroovalleyshow.org.au.
Sponsorship is the heart blood of the Kangaroo Valley Show. It depends on our very generous sponsors to help provide the community with an agricultural contest of quality, accompanied by fun for all. Sponsorship pays for all the prizes and much of the day-to-day running of the Show. We thank every one of you – you have allowed the show to go on.
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[Caption] Carry on canoeing – no room for lightweights. The carry continues this year with a generous cash prize from Paddles and Portage keeping the runners on their toes.
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Contributed by Lisa Anthony for the Kangaroo Valley A&H Show Committee