
Here you will find articles relating to all the happenings in the community.

Community, Kangaroo Valley Lions Club

Lion’s Roar

Mid December Lions awarded two scholarships to two students leaving their final year at the local primary school. The scholarship is awarded to students who best meet the two criteria: Demonstrating the quality of the…
Community, Kangaroo Valley Historical Society

Historical Happenings

Do you know who might be buried in this old grave, positioned next to the Methodist burials at the Kangaroo Valley Cemetery? If you do, please contact the Kangaroo Valley Historical Society on Thank…
Community, Osborne Park


Thanks to everyone for their support of our pool! Your fantastic letter writing campaign, backed by our Pool Survey and a whiz bang deputation at the first council meeting on October 14 resulted in a…
Community, History, Kangaroo Valley Historical Society, People


Photos: Kangaroo Valley Historical Society - check out more in the full PDF of this month's Voice!