News from the Pews

News from the Pews, Community

Dear Friends,

One of my favourite authors is an English gentleman by the name of Adrian Plass. You won’t find him on any best sellers list. Nor is he a well-known theologian, historian or biblical scholar. Adrian…
Kangaroo Valley Church of the Good Shepherd
News from the Pews, Community

News from the Pews

The earth is the LORD’s, and everything in it. The world and all its people belong to him. For he laid the earth’s foundation on the seas and built it on the ocean depths. (NLT)
Kangaroo Valley Church of the Good Shepherd
News from the Pews, Community


Loneliness has come under a lot of scrutiny over the last few years. Throughout the world people feel increasingly isolated and alone. The problem of loneliness has become so prevalent that many governments have sought…
News from the Pews, Community

News from the Pews

As I write this the Olympic Torch is currently in the Loire valley as it continues its journey through France.
Kangaroo Valley Church of the Good Shepherd
News from the Pews, Community

The King’s Birthday

Like many of us, I always look forward to the second Monday in June. For as long as I can remember, this has been the occasion of, first, the Queen’s and now the King’s birthday…
Kangaroo Valley Church of the Good Shepherd
News from the Pews, Community

News from the Pews

Dear friends, Church buildings have had and continue to have some unusual uses. It is not uncommon today to find church buildings converted into houses and apartments or repurposed for a myriad of different commercial…
News from the Pews, Community

The meaning of ANZAC Day

ANZAC Day has always held an interest for me, ever since I arrived in Australia. As a child I would marvel as I watched on TV the long lines of old men – when you…