It’s been a very wet month in Kangaroo Valley so unfortunately not much tennis has been played. We’ve tried to get on the courts as much as possible for coaching and competition tennis, but it’s been very intermittent.
The Tuesday night mixed-ages competition (adults and juniors) is now up to the semi-final stage with all round matches finally complete. We had 8 teams of 3 players (14 kids and 10 adults) compete in doubles matches each week. The mixed-age competition is a great pathway for our local kids, enabling them to have more playing opportunities against players of different ages with varying game styles and abilities. It’s also a nice introduction for some of our adults as they play competition tennis for the first time – often alongside their kids!
The semi-finals are on Tuesday the 21st of May at 6:00 pm with Samson Hole, Claudia Moffat & Hedley Cochrane facing off against David Carmichael, Caleb Winch & Taisha Wilson. The second semi-final sees Mitch Wilson, Bruno Castillo and Lisa Mumm battling it out against Stew Moffat, William Apps and Bekk McQueen. Good luck, players! The winners of these semis will play each other in the finals on Tuesday the 28th of May at 6:00 pm. All spectators most welcome! If you’re keen to join the next Tuesday mixed-ages comp, please contact Kate Hole.
The Autumn B Grade (Wednesday night) and the A Grade (Thursday night) adult competitions are three weeks out from the semi-finals and it’s still anyone’s game! Each division has 5 teams of 4 players and they play doubles with each team member each week.
In B Grade division, Team A consisting of Janet Bundey, Nicholas Carlisle, Livia Barger and Mickey Kovari are fighting it out for poll position against Team B consisting of Peter Stanton, Sue Boyle, Kerry Townsend and Isabelle Bribosia. Good luck to all players as the competition reaches the pointy end! All spectators are welcome to enjoy the finals set for Wednesday the 19th of June (B Grade) and Thursday the 20th of June (A Grade) starting at 7:00 pm. If you’re interested in playing in the next competition, please contact Peter Stanton.
Hope to see you on the court soon!
Kate Hole