Letter to the Editor

So when I next walk up Marshall Street, I will enjoy the beautiful green hills and the peace they exude, twice as much knowing they are still just that, thanks to all those involved in this huge process to keep this land as such.

Published 7th February 2024 By Christine Murphy

10 January, 2024


Letter to the Editor

Kangaroo Valley Voice


Dear Editor

In the quiet period of Christmas and New Year, I have been brushing up on the past instalments in the Kangaroo Valley Voice, focussing on the May and June 2010 issues.

I would like to congratulate the people of Kangaroo Valley who fought the Colys Group “Valley Views Planning Proposal, Marshall Street, Kangaroo Valley”. They obviously worked tirelessly to have the Proposal overturned by Shoalhaven City Council.

This Proposal was a 22 hectare development “comprising residential, seniors living and tourist accommodation.” That would be “serviced by a low pressure sewerage system and reclaimed water management infrastructure designed to have minimal environmental impact on the site and adjoining areas” (Colys Group Overview of the Proposal, KV Voice June 2010, p38).

The KV Tourist Association, KV Community Association and the KV Environment Group worked together to ensure all residents had good information in order to assist in the consultation process. Many objections to the Development were put forward.

So when I next walk up Marshall Street, I will enjoy the beautiful green hills and the peace they exude, twice as much knowing they are still just that, thanks to all those involved in this huge process to keep this land as such.

Yours sincerely

Christine Murphy

