Speed Zones – would you give up 2.5 minutes to save a child’s life?

How’s that for a click-bait headline? Now, please take the time to read on. Check out this map. It shows the number of vehicle accidents (2012-2021) and wildlife kills (2020-2024)

Published 1st April 2024 By Al Lockyer

How’s that for a click-bait headline? Now, please take the time to read on.

Check out this map. It shows the number of vehicle accidents (2012-2021) and wildlife kills (2020-2024) in the Valley. It’s a real eye-opener. Each coloured icon represents the location of an incident. There are just so many.

I think you will agree, this is nothing to be proud of and I reckon we should ‘do something’.

Did you know there are 29 different speed zones within the Valley? When you drive through the Valley on Moss Vale Road, the speed limit changes up to nine times! Does it need to be that confusing or could we make it simpler and safer?

The KVCCB’s Safer Roads Working Group would like to gauge the community’s appetite to rationalise the number of speed zones in the Valley. When the Safer Roads Working Group was formed, its objectives were to:

  • Make the Valley a safer place to walk and ride
  • Make the area around the Pump Track safer for children
  • Consolidate the number of speed zones (and signs) in the Valley
  • Reduce the amount of wildlife killed due to collisions
  • Reduce the number of vehicle accidents.

To that end, we have created a proposal regarding speed zones and we’d like your feedback. Currently, the speed zones in the Valley look like this:

and we are proposing that it could be simplified to look like this:

So that you can understand what these maps are trying to tell you, there is an interactive version available here https://www.google.com/maps/d/edit?mid=19-VDo7SV8ng8fGpN8pjnj_UC5bCe-FY&usp=sharing or scan the QR code below. 

To help you digest the information on this map, you can turn on and off the different layers:

  • Current Speed Zones
  • Proposed Speed Zones
  • Vehicle Crash History
  • Wildlife Accidents.

The proposal contains the full details and I strongly recommend that you take the time to read and understand it. The proposal contains a section on the survey results, which is obviously not yet completed. Click here to see the proposal: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1-amIaYe1sAcplR6YLPWOkmhYn_KglW_Q&usp=drive_fs  or scan this QR code:

The changes would mean that when you travel along Moss Vale Road from Barrengarry to Cambewarra, it will take you 2.5 minutes longer, but imagine how much safer the Pump Track area will be for everyone!

Now is the time to have your say and provide feedback on the proposal. Click here to go to the survey (please read the proposal first): https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/XQYCMXG or scan this QR:

The survey is open now and will close at 5pm on Friday 12 April 2024. The results will be published in the May Voice. If there is majority support within the community for this proposal, the KVCCB will submit it to Shoalhaven City Council and Transport for NSW for consideration. We will keep you up-to-date as to the state of play, via the Voice, KVCCB Facebook page (https://www.facebook.com/groups/kvccb) and our email list.

If issues of this nature interest you and you want to be added to the KVCCB mailing list please send your details (including property address, contact number and email address) to kvccb@kangaroovalley.nsw.au and we will ensure you are added. Our next General Meeting is at 6:30pm on Tuesday 28 May in the Kangaroo Valley Hall.

Al Lockyer

Safer Roads Working Group

Kangaroo Valley Community Consultative Body
