Kangaroo Valley Preschool was established in the 1970s by the community to cater to the needs of their young children. It has continued to operate as a not-for-profit preschool, governed by a committee of community volunteers.
The preschool is situated on a public school site. The building is owned by the preschool but the land is owned by the NSW Department of Education. The Department allows the preschool to operate on this site for affordable rent.
The lease agreement is in the process of being renewed which may impact who operates the preschool. The preschool is undertaking community consultation to assess local views on future directions for the preschool.
All community members are strongly encouraged to fill in this anonymous survey so that there is a wide database to help determine the path to be followed. Please make sure your voice is heard – the survey closes on 16th August 2024.
You can follow this link to the survey: https://surveys.eqipd.com.au/s3/KangarooValleyEarlyLearning
What have the children been up to this month?
The children have evolved a guessing game, inspiring each other to practice drawing people and devising clues. The children draw a picture of a person then, with assistance from an educator, they show it to the other children, who have to ask questions and listen to clues to guess who the drawing represents. Is the person at preschool today? What do they like to play with? The children are developing some great ideas!
We have made a gallery of the portraits and added captions. The children are practising looking at words and working out what the words represent as well.
(Early Years Learning Framework Learning Outcomes 5.1.11 Exchange ideas, feelings and understandings using language and representations in play. 5.2.5 Explores concepts of print and text structure.)